This is another superheroine I grew up with. "Gina" is a comic serial (circa 1980-1989) which I love so much. It's local. Written and illustrated by Gerdi WK, a Bandung-based artist. Maybe the reason why I think the comic is SO well-expressed is because the writer is also the one who makes the illustration. And to me, that particular reason sets this comic apart from other local comics. Actually there're also other comic artists who writes and illustrates their comics altogether. But I like Gina better. It's the humane problems she face, despite the super powers she possesses (she can fly, hurl thunderbolts and gush of powerful blast of wind from the palm of her hands), she falls in love, deal with heartbreaks, in a more "Indonesia" way :)
To my disappointment, I lost my collection of Gina comics somewhere when i moved out from home. I looked everywhere, to no avail. I guess, Gina comics were considered as extinct :p
And just last Sunday, I read this article about a group of people (GOD BLESS YOU guys..), who happen to LOVE comics so much (especially local comics), and willing to make Indonesian comics raise again from the dumps.. So they sponsored Gerdi WK (among others) to produce again, and hopefully reclaim their glory in olden days :p hence GINA 2005 is born. When I read the paper (oh, you can also visit www.komikindonesia.com), I hyperventilated!!! :))
So today, during lunchbreak, i went to ITC Kuningan to get Gina. They said that they will try to re-print Gina's other (old) episodes.. Can't wait.
So as soon as I paid for the comic, I ran to the foodcourt, order some food, sat down, tore the plastic cover, and as i turned few pages, Gina was there.. floating, gracefully, taunting this one hoodlum who tried to rob an old man in the desert.. I literally felt little hairs on the back of my neck started to raise, and i almost literally burst into tears!! (so what?! go screw yourself!).. Every single thing about the comic remains the same.. the faces, the body gestures of the characters, the words, the way the writer tells the story.. everything! I felt like a 11-year-old again suddenly.. :)
Thank you, people at Komik Indonesia..you just made my day... no make that my WHOLE week! :)