Last Thursday, went to Anggun Concert @ JHCC and I was blown away! TOTALLY worth 3 hours of waiting (for the scalpers to sell the tix cheaper than their original offer) :))
The concert was indeed in international standard. It began precisely on time (21.00), and it was opened by an MC announcing the fire exit procedure! Never before done in local musicians concerts! (that's a nice BITCHSLAP for local artists and organizers)
Anggun that night was superb! She delivers!! I had moments when I had me myself on the verge of tears watching her.. She's come so far.. From the little rocker-girl in tight leggings and red barretta, to a seductive siren alluring her audience with her sensual looks and rich voice. She speaks French now.. but that night on stage, she still jokes with her java-accented bahasa. She told us the audience (in bahasa, of course),"I have been away from my homeland quite long now, singing here and there, east and west.. But it is here, in my own country, in front of you all.. that gives me the shiver, and I am so very very nervous right now".. ain't it sweet? :) But her performance was light-years away from nervous.. And she blew all of us away..
My favourite section of her show was when she sang her old songs.. her pieces that made her claim to fame in Indonesia when she was a little girl.. She did it accoustically with strings and piano accompaniment. When she sang emosi, I sang along teary-eyed.. I was quite emotional.. hwahahahaha!!
Ah, what a blast i had.. :)
Thank you for giving such wonderful show.. and most of all, thank you for not forgetting your roots, for coming back and show your appreciation to us.. For that, I (we) salute you..
Maju Terus, cherie! :)